I swear I have never been to the circus, but who knows… I have an awful memory. Truth is, I am going to be an awful old man. I am not going to be able to remember any of the cool things I did growing up. That is the point of this blog… to let you, my friends, have a peek into my life and to be a reminder as I get older of the things I have done.
Back to the point. The circus came to town here in Nashville and Amy found dirt cheap tickets. This thing had everything! Acrobats, high wire acts, tigers, fire, elephants dancing, clowns and so much more. It really was a blast and I am glad to have taken photos. They will remind me that I have been to the circus and that I should go again, because it was fun.
With that said, enjoy my photos from that night.
You should always go to the Circus. It is a great tradition, that honestly might disappear in our lifetimes, as our society gets too PC. I used to go virtually every year, and here’s something, actually looked into joining the circus at one point. If you ever get down to Florida’s west coast, carve out sometime to visit the Ringling Museum in Sarasota.